Student Success:
KCM focuses on developing essential skills for student success.
- Students are able to: make sense of problems and persist in solving them, reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct,
communicate and critique viable arguments, model with mathematics, strategically use tools and technology, attend to precision,
locate and apply structure and work collaboratively with others.
- Students have an understanding of Foundational Numeracy with properties and operations of number,
finding connections in everyday life and financial mathematics.
- Algebra is seen as the “glue” that holds foundational numeracy together. Students understand Algebra through
mastering foundational numeracy in generalizing the operations and properties of numbers. Development of Algebra 2
skills is the best early predictor of college success. Pre-calculus and beyond is available to students who will benefit
from it. Math and statistics can be found embedded into courses in other content areas.
- KCM recognizes the importance of a growth mindset, productive mathematical beliefs, efficacy, and grit in accomplishing mathematical goals.