Mathematics Achievement Fund

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teacher standing behind third grade student working with math manipulatives Established in 2005, the Mathematics Achievement Fund is visionary legislation that looks to provide support and resources to Kentucky school districts, educators and students. The goal is to ensure that Kentucky students are achieving their academic grade level proficiencies.

The Kentucky Center for Mathematics is a collaborative partner with the Kentucky Department of Education, University of Louisville, and M2 Consulting to support schools in the implementation of mathematics coaching to improve mathematics teaching practices and student achievement outcomes. KCM provides one-on-one support by an experienced KCM regional consultant using Cognitive Coaching. Our goal is to guide and grow each mathematics coach in the following areas:

  • Implementation of research-based mathematics teaching practices
  • Teacher and student look-fors in high performing classrooms
  • High-quality professional learning designed to support Kentucky Academic Standards for Mathematics implementation
  • Establishing professional learning communities around mathematics instruction and intervention
  • Ensuring high quality instructional resources alignment to the Kentucky Academic Standards for Mathematics in order to meet the needs of primary students and other students who are struggling to meet grade level standards in mathematics