Kentucky Center for Mathematics

Kentucky Math Teacher Leaders (K-12)

Are you eager to grow your skills in leadership, mathematics content and pedagogy? Consider becoming a Kentucky Mathematics Teacher Leader! These select mathematics leaders collaborate with like-minded educators and experts from across the Commonwealth of Kentucky to learn and grow together.


The Kentucky Center for Mathematics is dedicated to developing mathematics teacher leaders from Paducah to Pikeville. Kentucky Mathematics Teacher Leaders (KyMTL) show their leadership in using Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in their classrooms, model best mathematics teaching practices for others in their building, and are working to improve mathematics education for all Kentucky students.

Becoming a KyMTL involves but is not limited to:

  • attending one virtual meeting a month (mostly after school hours and 90 minutes long),
  • participating in Winter and Summer Workshops,
  • leading change in your own classroom, at your school, and beyond!

Are you interested in becoming a Kentucky Mathematics Teacher Leader?

Email Funda Gonulates