Kentucky Center for Mathematics

Math Explorations in 3rd Grade Fractions

Did you know that Cuisenaire Rods can transform and deepen fractional understanding for students? Join the KCM in one of our most popular and impactful courses as we journey together towards deeper conceptual knowledge. This 1-day course will change the way you think about and teach fractions.


Grade 3 is a critical year in which students should develop strong conceptual foundations for understanding fractions.

During this session, teachers will:

  • explore hands-on activities and tasks aligned to the Kentucky Academic Standards for Mathematics designed to support students in developing conceptual understandings of fractions as numbers.
  • deepen their understanding of the third grade fractions standards, seeing them as part of a progression starting in first grade and continuing into upper elementary.
  • receive ready-to use materials and manipulatives, including fraction squares and Cuisenaire rods.

Cost: $100 per participant

Lexington, KY

Facilitator: Lisa Riggs

Session (in-person): January 14, 2025; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Eastern Time

Register   Registration will close January 7, 2025

Math Explorations in 4th and 5th Grade Fractions

Do your students struggle to make sense of fractions and fraction operations? Manipulatives and rich tasks provide students with the tools and experiences to see fractions as numbers and make sense of fraction operations. Join the KCM in a deep dive into fractions that will change how you think about and teach fraction operations!


Too often fractions are considered scary or difficult. But fractions are numbers! By helping students to understand that fractions are numbers that expand our number system, we can help them connect their understanding of whole number operations to fraction operations.

During this 3-day course, teachers will:

  • explore instructional strategies such as the use of manipulatives, fraction models (including number lines) and rich tasks that help students see fractions as numbers and understand fraction operations.
  • deepen their understanding of the Kentucky Academic Standards for Mathematics, particularly the grades 4 and 5 fractions standards, seeing them as part of a progression starting in first grade and continuing into middle school.
  • receive ready-to-use materials and manipulatives, including pattern blocks, cuisenaire rods, books and games.

Cost: $300 per participant

Georgetown, KY

Facilitator: Cindy Aossey

Sessions 1 & 2 (in-person): January 13 & 14, 2025 (changed); 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Eastern Time
Session 3 (in-person): January 28, 2025; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Eastern Time

Register   Registration will close January 8, 2025