The Kentucky Numeracy Project Fluency Assessment materials and online application are available to any elementary school math educator that has completed the free KCM assessment course. In this 90-minute session,
participants will learn how to administer and score the assessments through the lens of the
Kentucky Academic Standards.
- Fluency Assessments are a free resource created by the Kentucky Center for Mathematics.
- The assessments are aligned to the Kentucky Academic Standards for grades K-3.
- Each assessment comes in 9 versions that can be used for progress monitoring.
- Fluency assessments are administered using a one-on-one interview format.
- Participants will gain access to the full suite of Fluency Assessments after completing the online training session and a practice assessment with an elementary-aged student.
- Fluency Assessment Training is open to any educator, even those who teach outside of Kentucky.
Cost: FREE
If you wish to be notified about upcoming Fluency Assessments course offerings in the Spring of 2025, please complete this contact list form.