Kentucky Center for Mathematics

Creating Cultures of Schoolwide Mathematical
Sense-Making (K-12)

Join us for a learning opportunity that allows educators to share ideas for a schoolwide culture of learning. Each session is held within a school so participants can observe students engaging in problem-centered math lessons in a host teacher’s classroom.


This professional learning experience will provide an opportunity to share thoughts, experiences and ideas with other teachers and interested educators while experiencing a schoolwide culture of learning. The experience will include the opportunity to observe students as active learners in problem-centered mathematics lessons across grade levels and discuss the potential of such lessons for deep student learning. Debriefing discussions will focus on how and why different schools might implement effective mathematics lessons structured around rich mathematics problems.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to

  • participate in discussions of the co-planning process that led to the observed lessons
  • involve other colleague(s) at your school in your own co-planning process to design a problem centered mathematics lesson intended to help students make sense of math concepts and
  • share and discuss your experience with other participants.

Each session is a unique experience based on the particular teacher and exemplar classroom. Sessions are typically scheduled 4-12 weeks in advance, with sessions in various locations and grade bands offered throughout the year. As sessions are scheduled, registration links will be added below. Participants must register for each session they would like to attend. For updates about upcoming sessions and notification when a new registration opens, please join the Creating Cultures mailing list below.

To receive updates about upcoming sessions:
Join the Creating Cultures Mailing List