Our Vision:
KCM envisions a world in which everyone is mathematically enlightened and empowered. To actualize this vision, KCM works with educators throughout the state to evolve and sustain a schoolwide culture that engages students and guides them in making sense of mathematics.
Our Mission:
KCM seeks to advance the knowledge and practice of effective mathematics teaching and learning, encompassing early childhood through adult education. We provide and develop statewide leadership, facilitate professional learning experiences, and cultivate innovation with the aim of improving mathematics education, practice and policy. We promote environments which engage learners to allow them to make sense of mathematics. We are grounded in research, centered on practice and focused on learners.
Our Goals:
- Leading - Inform, collaborate and cultivate leadership to improve education in mathematics
- Learning - Prepare and develop educators to improve achievement in student mathematics
- Launching - Strengthen and advance mathematics education practice and policy through research and resource development
The Coherence Model:
The KCM Coherence Model is focused on transformation of teacher practices and beliefs across multiple grade levels. We believe Kentucky children can receive a coherent mathematics education experience where:
- All education experiences are characterized by a culture of sense-making and engagement
- Early grade teachers use their math content to develop skills for later grade math
- Teachers in later grades reinforce skills from early grades
- Students find out-of-class help both pertinent and impactful to their understanding of content