Are you looking for some creative ideas to engage your students and their families in Family Math Nights? If
so, come join our showcase! You will be involved in games, activities, and discussions with experienced MITs. You will
leave with many ideas for your Family Math Night!
Panel Discussion: Implementation of the Common Core
Hear from and converse with panel members about the goals, challenges, and opportunities related to
implementing the Kentucky Core Academic Standards for Mathematics. Panel members will respond to questions from
the audience as well as questions provided in advance from teachers and other mathematics stakeholders in Kentucky.
Newton's Revenge and UK's Basketball Players
Kids love roller coasters and for many, basketball as well. In Newton's Revenge, students are actively
engaged in modeling linear data centered on a roller coaster ride and determine whether the ride is safe for all riders,
even those who are very tall.
EEMC Engaging Early Childhood Learning Through Number "Sense"
The Erikson Early Childhood Collaborative (EEMC) in Kentucky, features content from the Erikson Institute's
Early Math Collaborative and is facilitated by trained KY Center for Mathematics (KCM) leaders. These eight, half-day
sessions for preschool/kindergarten teachers bring out interactive mathematics lessons to empower educators of young
children. Join us for a preview of this outstanding professional learning experience!
Engaging Students by Sailing the C's: Curiosity, Critical Thinking & Communication
Do your students struggle with regrouping? If they do, this session is for you! Many students struggle with
regrouping, but do they have to do the problems that way? We don't think so! Come to find different strategies to ease the
stress of regrouping for both the student and the teacher in a life without regrouping!
A supportive environment can raise mathematical students' self-efficacy, increase participatory behaviors, and
build academic achievement. This presentation provides practical and research-based ways to create such an
environment, while moving teachers toward Exemplary in PGES Domains 2 and 3.
The Value of Place Value: Engaging Students in Addition and Subtraction Using Place Value Strategies
Participants will explore the use of place value strategies for addition and subtraction up to 100 and 1,000.
Following the Common Core, we will discuss meaningful learning with the use of various hands-on materials. Join us as
we discover effective tools to promote conceptual understanding and create make-and-take manipulatives.
Planning Instruction Around the Rekenrek Without Having a Wreck N Wreck
The twenty-bead rack is a fantastic tool for supporting children's development of non-count-by-ones strategies
for addition and subtraction. This session provides an opportunity to think about how to organize instruction around
the bead rack and how to use it in the classroom during whole group and small group instruction.
Session 2: 9:25 am - 10:35 am
Assessing Children's Sense Making Strategies
This session will highlight the problem types and sense making strategies at the core of the professional
development program Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI). Participants will learn about the distinctions among whole
number word problems and how young children initially make sense of these differences. Activities will include problem
solving and analysis of young children's strategies.
Using Technology to Engage Students in Introductory Statistics Topics
Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem were taught differently in two sections of introductory
statistics. In one, students watched the professor use an applet during lecture; whereas in the other, students actively
used the applet in the computer lab. Results will be shared and discussed.
Thinking Strategies in the Middle School Classroom
Learn about thinking strategies used by successful math thinkers and how to share them with your students.
Leave with lessons in-hand, ready-to-teach, and with ideas for using thinking strategies in your own lessons. Be prepared
to fully engage in some great discussions and activities!
Understanding Numbers: Addition/Subtraction and Place Value Activities Created by Kathy Richardson
Participants will rotate through several centers to experience activities created by Kathy Richardson. The
addition/subtraction centers will help them to think of numbers in terms of their underlying structures. The place value
centers will require participants to recognize equivalent values of groups of 100s, 10s and 1s.
My workshop will consist of a combination of hands on experiences that will involve observation, exploration,
discovery, and communication with others. I will be stressing the use of the scientific process with young children to
promote critical thinking. Current standards for math, science, and language arts will be addressed.
Flipped Classroom and Special Education Students
This presentation will focus mainly on the tools and strategies used by me and my collaborating teacher to
engage very low level Freshman and Juniors in an Algebra and Algebra II setting. Topics discussed will include flipped
videos, small group collaboration, discourse, and use of manipulatives.
Engage Your Students in Rich Problem Solving Tasks Correlating to the CCCS
Good problem solving is paramount in our Common Core environment. This workshop will engage
participants in rich problem tasks selected from algebra, geometry, number and operations, calculus and discrete
mathematics. Participants working in small groups will reason, explore connections among disciplines with these rich
tasks and apply appropriate tools strategically.
Teaching Conceptually: Maximize Understanding and Engagement
This presentation will model conceptual teaching on three levels: Lesson, Discussion, and Presentation.
The focus will be maximizing student understanding of basic concepts, then deepening their knowledge by making new
discoveries and engaging classrooms in cooperative learning environments. Attendees will participate in three levels of
engagement: lesson, discussion, and presentation.
Interweaving the Mathematical Practices into the Middle School Classroom
Are you struggling with how to implement the Mathematical Practices into your classroom? Participants in
this session will leave with engaging strategies and activities that can allow you to interweave the Math Practices in your
Session 3: 10:50 am - 12:00 pm
Organizing for Targeted Add+VantageMR Instruction
Working from a class profile, participants are encouraged to bring their 'Purple' or 'Red' books as we explore
how to organize students, materials, and activities for more targeted instruction. Tips for organization will be both
generated and provided. Teamwork is a plus!
Working on the premise that you can NEVER get enough of a good thing, please join us for Part 3 of Serious
Fun in Mathematics! Whether this is your first, second or third time with us, learning will be new and STILL loads of fun!
You, too, will have fun!
Using Bloom's Taxonomy in class and one-on-one to promote student engagement with math. Questions that
go beyond the knowledge and comprehension levels can foster engagement. Through a small group activity, attendees
will practice using questioning strategies that foster higher order thinking about math problems.
Engaging Struggling Learners Using the Eight Mathematical Practices
Experience ways to truly engage struggling learners in your classroom utilizing the 8 Mathematical Practices.
Participants will leave with ready to implement activities and strategies to use in the classroom immediately from
practicing middle school teachers. Our classroom is alive with excitement about numbers and yours can be too!
Two + 2 = Four Ways to Engage Student Mathematicians Through Writing
In this session, we will explore writing in math instruction to highlight Mathematical Practice #3 construct
viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Participants will leave with a working knowledge of four types of
writing that can be differentiated to engage and accelerate ALL students.
Students Doing Research: Developing Mathematical Practices Through Engagement with Famous Unsolved Problems in Math
This session will provide teachers with examples of famous unsolved problems in mathematics that are
accessible to students in grades 3-12 and at the post-secondary level. Engaging with unsolved problems can help
develop rich student mathematical practices.
From Battleship to The Amazing Race: Engaging Students to Learn
Looking for ideas to spark student engagement? This workshop will introduce you to several classroom
tested activities that can be modified for any math content area from introducing a concept to reviewing for a test.
CAUTION!! KIDS AT WORK - Using Tools to Problem Solve
When children are given the opportunity to attempt to solve problems using different tools, they are not only
fully engaged, but the magic of conceptual understanding begins. During this presentation, you will create different tools
and explore the strategies in implementing a Problem of the Day in your classroom.
Although the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics begin at kindergarten, research is clear that
children's preschool math achievement is an important indicator of later school success. What should preschool teachers
be doing to give young children the best chance of being ready for and enjoying their kindergarten and later math
experiences? This presentation will explore what the Standards suggest is important for math teaching and learning for
3- and 4-year olds, focusing on both content and practices. Through video analysis, discussion, and hands-on activity,
participants will think deeply together about preschool as an important math education opportunity in the era of the
Common Core.
Engaging Students (and Teachers!) in Learning Mathematics Using the TPACK Framework
The presentation will demonstrate how the integration of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge
(TPACK) can facilitate deep mathematical understanding. Participants will learn about the framework and engage in three
math mini-lessons (elementary, middle, and HS) demonstrating TPACK. Attention will be given to integrating this
framework in math teacher education programs.
Teaching the Teacher: How Student Led Learning Can Help Achieve Mastery
This presentation will focus on how to create engaging standards based lessons that are student led.
Examples will be shown on how to scaffold lessons for students so that they are completely self-sufficient throughout each
activity, allowing for the educator to provide remediation.
Boosting Engagement in the Elementary Classroom
Humphries & New
Come and participate in cooperative learning groups! You will move around the room to experience hands-on
math activities that are based on Kagen structures and strategies for the K-5 classroom. The goal is to boost math
engagement and student-to-student discourse. These are math commercials you don't want to miss!
Looking for some fun in your classroom? We will put a fun spin on structuring numbers! This session will look
at the fluency standards for each grade level finding exciting ways to have our students become fluent. We will explore
and play games to increase understanding! Come play twisted math!
Using Manipulatives for Addition and Subtraction
We will demonstrate various methods for teaching addition and subtraction. We will use popsicle sticks, ten
frames, story mats, empty number lines, bead racks and arrow cards. We will also present some games that can be used
to reinforce these skills.
Increasing Student Engagement and Assessing for Learning in a Technology-Rich Classroom
How can the strategic use of technology increase student engagement and help make thinking more visible?
Online resources and TI-Nspire Navigator will be used to demonstrate the use of real-time, immediate analysis of
responses to encourage student engagement while providing them an opportunity to share and assess their own learning.
Why the Math Common Core State Standards are Not the Devil!
This session will provide a brief history of the Common Core State Standards as well as explore reasons why
educators should be excited about the core's focus on discovery learning and student engagement. This interactive
session will also demonstrate the benefit of the core pedagogy over the traditional math pedagogy.
Beyond Base Ten: A Sustainable Approach for Enhancing the Mathematical Development of Gifted/Talented Elementary Students
The Beyond Base Ten project will enhance the mathematical development of gifted students in a meaningful
and sustainable manner. The project has three main components: (1) direct services to students; (2) PD for teachers;
and (3) Parent involvement.
Engage your students in math by using their passion for art. Explore different activities that connect art and
math. You will be able to take these activities back and implement them into your classroom immediately! (And you can
count this towards Program Reviews!)
This K-3 session will be a collaborative effort from experienced MITs across Eastern and Central KY.
Presenters will engage their participants with ways to connect mathematics through literacy, technology, music, family
activities, and manipulatives. Everyone will leave the session with ways to connect mathematics to everyday life.
Identifying Student Misconceptions and How to Alleviate Them in the Common Core Environment
Mathematics educators are aware of misconceptions like the "freshman dream" when squaring a binomial
(( a + b )2 = a2 + b2),
23 • 34 = 612,
1/2 + 1/4 = 2/6,
24/48 = 2/8, or
sin 2 • x = 2 • sin x
or permeating at both the secondary and
undergraduate levels to name just a few. This workshop will engage participants to alleviate such persistent difficulties via
the use of manipulatives, technology and counter examples to strengthen conceptual understanding.
This presentation will communicate core ideas of integrating technology into mathematics. Session
leaders will discuss various practical and realistic ways to integrate technology into mathematics. Demonstrating various
technologies will help participants gain understanding how to apply technologies into their own classroom. Participants will
then work within their own grade-groups to look at grade appropriate standards and align which technologies could work
Participants will engage in activities to learn more about how to properly implement Kentucky Core Academic
Standards for Mathematics using core curriculum materials aligned to the depth intended. During this workshop,
attendees will receive resources from Achieve the Core as they use grade-level "Focus Maps," plot "coherence" by sorting
the progressions of the major work across grade levels, and determine high-quality tasks aligned to the "rigor" of
conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and applications in the math shifts. Finally, participants will evaluate sample
curriculum materials using the EQUiP Rubric, also from Achieve the Core.
We will explore the challenge of integrating the use of iPads into math instruction. You will learn about specific learning routines
to build mathematical fluency using math talk and apps aligned to Common Core Standards.
Participants will use data from the Ebola virus outbreak to explore the strengths and limitations of models.
They will work in groups to model mathematics, and construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others while
also addressing NGSS. Detailed handouts will be distributed.
This presentation will provide attendees with an exciting way to use the NCAA March Madness bracket to
teach probability. Students will use the seed ranks to establish theoretical probability. These probabilities will be
represented by colored beads, random numbers generated by calculators, and random number tables to determine
bracket winners.
Flipping the Classroom-Innovative Strategies for Engagement of Students
This session will focus on how to engage students using the flipped classroom model. Participate in a flipped
classroom and learn various strategies to flip the classroom. View examples of a flipped classroom to guide in the creation
of your own lesson.
Students need to be engaged when learning about math. This workshop will tell you how to engage your
students using budget friendly manipulatives that we all have in our classroom or in our kitchen!
Celebration Dinner: 5:15 pm
Join us for a "Celebration Dinner". This dinner is free of
charge to all conference attendees and speakers! Ticket must be in hand. Tickets
can be found with each individual's check-in information.
Tuesday, March 10
Registration & Breakfast: 7:00 am - 8:00 am
Conference registration and complimentary continental breakfast
Session 1: 8:00 am - 9:10 am
Engaging Students with Special Outreach Programs
This session will discuss a wide variety of outreach programs. The session will also include a number of
hands-on activities and demonstrations. Look out if you sit up front you may get wet!
Multiplication: Tools and Strategies to Move Students from Concrete to Abstract Thinking
During this interactive session, participants will learn strategies to move students through the CRA (Concrete,
Representational, Abstract) framework for multiplication. Instructional strategies will include using tools and models such
as bead racks, base 10 blocks, cubes, arrays, quantity lines, number lines and symbolic representations.
Math stories typically are one of the lowest areas of student achievement, and one of the hardest things for
kids to understand. We will look at a basic outline of what type story should be taught at each grade level (K-3) and the
phases children go through to solve them.
Great Minds Do NOT Think Alike When Problem-Solving
When teachers design purposeful instruction, students apply concepts with understanding. Knowledge of how
children learn math along with diagnostic assessments result in instruction that develops strategies for flexible thinking and
confident problem solving.
We ask students to solve missing addends/equations before they have any understanding of what
equivalence is. This session will look at using physical models to solve equations.
Personalizing the K-8 Math Experience: Increase Student Engagement and Achievement
Learn how a conceptual approach to math instruction, with the use of engaging and interactive manipulatives
and rich digital tools can increase learner persistence and impact achievement outcomes. Discover how intelligent
adaptive technology can provide a partnership to maximize instructional effectiveness within both student learning and
data analytics.
Creative Integration of CCSS Math Practices, Quality Activities, Excellent Questioning, and Pertinent Technology
Incorporate CCSS Mathematical Practices into your students' learning with these rich activities that can be
used at various grade levels. Questioning techniques that create more engaging discussions will be illustrated. Get hands-on
experience with graphing calculators and also see with an iPad app. Walk away with all the activities demonstrated.
Math Workshop: Increasing Student Engagement Through Differentiated Learning
Small group instruction allows teachers to address the differing needs of students more effectively. The use
of math workshop in the elementary classroom provides the opportunity for students to receive such instruction, while also
participating in engaging and hands-on activities in independent centers.
The Flipped Classroom: The Tale of the Tape
This presentation will explore the outcomes of a grant-funded project to flip classrooms in 80 KY classrooms.
Student achievement, student perceptions, teachers perceptions, and teacher practices - this presentation will provide
participants with flipped classroom 'data' to assist with their own research-based decisions.
Session 2: 9:25 am - 10:35 am
How Engaging Puzzles Build Algebraic Habits of Mind
Puzzles build intuition, logic, confidence, and stamina in algebra students - accelerated or struggling.
Students (and people of all ages) find puzzles engaging, but their value doesn't stop there. Puzzles can be used to
support number sense, encourage classroom discussion, and deliver algebra content. Participants will learn research-based
strategies for using puzzles to develop algebraic reasoning from NSF-funded Transition to Algebra materials. They
will solve and create puzzles to use with students.
Killing the Algorithm: Building Strategies Based on Place Value
MaRTI Plus Lexington Cohort
Explore ways to guide your students from robotic procedures and equip them with the tools to become
proficient problem solvers. Participants will walk away with multiple strategies that can immediately be used in the classroom.
Engaging Student Learning Through Small Group Instruction
Small group instruction can be a powerful tool in closing achievement gaps and ensuring growth for all
learners. Glimpse into a fourth grade teacher's classroom as he tackles his first year of small group instruction. Get
answers and resources to help you get started using the guided math framework.
This session will explore our journey as we have evolved from a whole group direct math instructional model,
to a more student-centered guided math model. Our presentation will include pictures and video of our classrooms and
students at work. You will leave with resources and ideas.
Computation with Meaning - Multiplication/Division
Making Math Magic
Students are taught "rules" for multiplication and division, but do not understand the concepts behind the
operations and cannot predict or justify the reasonableness of an answer. This session will focus on understanding
Computation with Respect to Place Value (and Composing/Decomposing Numbers) with various models to give students
a variety of strategies for multiplying and dividing numbers.
Not So Strange Bedfellows: The Marriage of Mathematics and Literacy
Math and Literacy go together like love and marriage; you can't have one without the other! Come to this
engaging session that focuses on how to build a stronger marriage between the two! Come away with ideas on how to
make the math come alive in picture books!
Free Interactive Explorations and Activities to Assist Learning Fractions, Ratios and Proportional Reasoning
See how to use 30 free colorful interactive lessons based on the CCSS progressions. Included are student
worksheets and teacher solutions. Find out how to get the TI-Nspire Teacher software 90-day trial so that you can use this
immediately. Or win the software or iPad app as a door prize.
Champions and Leaders are encouraged to engage, ask questions, learn from one another and grow as
professional developers. This session will be responsive to your questions and provide a forum with fellow instructors.
The Revolution of Technology in Teaching Structure
This is an interactive session which will focus on guiding teachers to move students forward in their ability to
structure number. Our goal is for participants to leave our session knowing how to extend students learning and rehearsal
of skill through the use of integrating technology into learning routines, partner work, and discourse, in order to meet and/
or exceed the proficiency levels outlined in the mathematical practices and fluency within the common core. Participants
should bring laptops or iPads.
Administrators are looked to as the instructional leaders of the building. By putting structures in place that allow
math interventionists to impact and influence Tier 1 instruction, principals can support their interventionist while
improving overall mathematical instruction, achievement and learning throughout the school.
Addition and Subtraction: Beyond the Standard Algorithm
The goal of this workshop is to empower teachers to help students embrace and build on their individual
strategies for solving addition and subtraction tasks. As teachers, we strive to understand there are many ways to solve
problems. Come learn strategies and acquire tools for developing student thinking. Participants will walk away with
classroom-ready activities.
High Levels of Engagement in the Intermediate Classroom
This session provides an overview of the implementation of Engage New York Curriculum school wide K-6
and the use of Formative Assessment Lessons in the classroom. Participants will participate in a Formative Assessment
Lesson as well as analyze examples of productive struggle in student thinking. Presenters will provide models used in the
implementation of Engage New York at various grade levels to illustrate the high levels of engagement while maintaining
rigor and relevance. Instructors will mock teach a lesson from Engage to illustrate the level of rigor and productive struggle
students experience.
Helpful Homework: Getting Parents to Work With Instead of Against You
Are your students' addition and subtraction strategies being undermined by premature exposure to
procedures and algorithms outside of your classroom? Join us on our crusade to create homework experiences that
engage families in thinking about math as quantity instead of a series of steps and tricks.
Proportional Reasoning Across the Curriculum
Making Math Magic
Proportional Reasoning touches so much of the math curriculum in the common core that it is a great vehicle
for promoting the practice standards. Come see some examples that you can use in your classroom.
Engaging Students in Addition and Subtraction
This presentation will feature five amazing teacher candidates presenting and sharing the hands-on
interactive experiences they created and taught in a kindergarten classroom. Participants will be introduced to 'Gus the
Plus', 'Ellie Equal', 'Linus the Minus', 'Pete the Cat', and more. Engage in manipulative models, literature, and
co-teaching fun!
Participants will engage in activities that provide strategies to integrate CCSS and NGSS. Mathematical
modeling of both univariate and bivariate data of variations within and between populations will be explored. Participants
will work in groups and discuss and share their investigations.
Bridging the Gap in Response to Intervention (RTI): The Honey Badger Intervention Lab, Accelerated Reading & Math
This presentation is to assist educators in helping students in their core academic areas. Teachers will learn
to help students in these areas by teaching, reteaching, working with students in groups of one to three to help them with
class assignments, concepts, and utilizing continued assessment.
Research and Practice in Multi-Digit Alternative Algorithms
Alternative Algorithms can provide greater access and help students develop a deeper understanding of
operations. In this session, attendees will work in small groups to figure out various alternative algorithms and present
them. Research on alternative algorithms will be presented and attendees will engage in a discussion of their application.
How do we build powerful numeracy in our students? What if they don't know their facts? Come experience
strategies to help all students construct numerical relationships so that they can succeed in higher math. We'll discuss an
overall vision and focus on some specific examples you can use in your class. Math is figure-out-able!
Remove the fear of fractions in your 3-5 students! Come join the MaRTI Plus London Cohort and be involved
in hands on activities that help students make sense of fractions. You will see how the activities are aligned to the
Common Core Standards, and you will leave the session with activities that will promote student development of
understanding fractions.
Participants will explore the use of Number Talks to promote the development of number sense and the use
of mental math strategies in computation. Participants will view and discuss sample classroom video Number Talk
sessions. Sample tasks for Number Talks will be given.
Digging Deeper into Common Core Math Assessments
Attendees will gain knowledge of several tools to use in professional learning experiences that will help
educators dig deeper into the math common core standards. The tools will include a Minnesota slice protocol for
examining and identifying student work in terms of rigor, skill,conceptual understanding and application.
Games can provide a valuable opportunity for students to practice and apply mathematical concepts critical
to the Common Core Content Standards and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Teachers can use gaming
experiences for informal formative assessment and differentiation to better meet student needs. This session will include a
variety of content-appropriate games across the high school math strands of algebra and geometry for whole class, small
group, and individual participation.
Increasing Engagement Through Manipulatives, Part 1
This presentation gives an opportunity to experience the use of manipulatives with mathematics in grades
K through 5 and the connection of the manipulatives to an area model. Selected topics span from the two Number and
Operations domains along with the inclusion of mathematical practices.
Throughout history, as the focus on why we are teaching math changed, the strategies for solving word
problems have also changed. What was once considered 15 difference situations of word problems may actually have
only three difference structures. With intentional instruction of those structures, struggling students can develop a strong
foundation to solve those word problems.
Liar's Bingo Revisited: Look for Patterns and You Won't Have to Remember Your Lies
Sheats Harkness
Join us for a sequel to our 2013 KCM presentation as we revisit the game of Liar's Bingo. Play the game and
then explore the mathematics inherent in it. "Liars don't have to remember their lies" if they find and use mathematical
Be Precise: Link Multiplication and Division
Not all students can simply memorize basic facts! Join us and learn how to implement the CCSS,
including Attending to Precision, by teaching your students to develop thinking strategies for learning basic multiplication and related division facts in a meaningful way.
Innovative and conceptually-based games and resources that get students excited to learn basic math facts will be utilized.
Name Badge Collection: 2:25 pm - 2:40 pm
KCM Staff will collect name badges of conference attendees for door prize drawing.
We are excited that participants will be hiking the Math Camp-In Trail with us! We will give you tips on how to
organize a Math Camp-In experience at your school. Participants will have the opportunity to explore various Math Camp-In stations that allow students to apply their mathematical knowledge.
Experience games and activities to help move students toward fluency in multiplication and division. You will
be introduced to the Kentucky Numeracy Project Intervention Guide (KNPIG) as well as other resources. Participants will
learn how to obtain these free games to be used in classrooms and RTI groups. PLAYTIME included!!
Do educators know if their students will be ready to successfully show understanding by the end of the unit?
Educators often do not effectively use assessment data due to their complexity. However, progress monitoring can be
accomplished with a variety of formal assessments that are actually very efficient and precise.
Implementing Math Workshop in the Elementary Classroom
Tired of boring lessons? Tired of unmotivated students? Tired of students that think negatively about math?
Implement math workshop in the elementary classroom and watch engagement and mastery of math content soar. Learn
how to set up math workshop and take away usable resources for your classroom.
This session will emphasize developing conceptual understanding of Computation with Fractions. Multiple
experiences in physically modeling and sense-making with fraction computation problems will give students strategies for
problem solving and transferring their understanding to symbolic notation.
Increasing Engagement Through Manipulatives, Part 2
This presentation gives an opportunity to experience the use of manipulatives with mathematics in grades
6 through 12 and the connection of the manipulatives to an area model. Selected topics span from the Expressions and
Equations domain to the Algebra and Functions domains along with the inclusion of mathematical practices.
Are you Nationally Board Certified? If you are wanting to improve your differentiation, analysis of student
work, and self-reflection, you should be. Learn about the revision to the National Board process and delve into equitable
Engaging the Teacher in Practical PLC's (RIP Research into Practice)
This is a presentation of our PLC philosophy and protocol. Attendees will learn how we use the intended
curriculum to drive planning while we use the learned curriculum to respond to student misconceptions and reteach.
'Pumpkin' Chunkin...Developing Conceptual Understanding of Quadratics
Martin Reynolds
Need fresh ideas for introducing quadratics to your students? Come explore ways to encourage all students
to make conjectures about key characteristics of graphs and transformation behavior and to help students make sense of
the vertex form of quadratics.
Door Prizes: 4:00 pm
Prize winners will be drawn from collected name tags and will be announced
immediately following the last breakout session via call board next to the registration table. Individuals must be present to win.
Door prize winners will be required to fill out a tax form for their winnings.