Melanie Fields
Rosspoint Elementary
Harlan County
Teaching 13 years
Typically serves about 25 students per week
What made you decide to become an educator?
I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was a very small child. I think it is what I was born to do, I never even considered anything else.
What excites you most about being an MAF Mathematics Intervention Teacher?
The most exciting aspect of the program is having time to spend with individuals and small groups of children. I love watching the progress children can make given the right strategies and practice. It is so rewarding to watch their confidence grow as they gain new skills! Through the trainings I have learned so many new strategies and techniques, which is exciting for both me and my students.
What differences have you seen in your students since they began receiving intervention assistance?
My students' attitudes toward math has improved significantly. They have started to enjoy Math, even like it! They have built confidence in their abilities and enjoy the activities.
What is one, favorite story or “a-ha!” moment you’ve had with one (or more) of your intervention students? Why is this your favorite?
I was working with a group of 2nd graders, which I had in class as 1st graders the previous year. One student in particular struggled with math. We were playing Go Fish with sums of 10. She was struggling to find pairs during the game. She had to count up and use her fingers to track to identify combinations of 10. Then she finds the pair 2 and 8. I literally saw the “I got it” expression on her face! She couldn’t hold in her excitement and starts rattling off all the possible combinations: “1 and 9 makes 10,” “3 and 7 makes 10,” and she continued. She was so happy and proud of herself. Needless to say I was also very proud of her.
What does the MAF and the Kentucky Center for Mathematics mean to you?
I have gained so much useful information about the stages and progressions of mathematical learning along with useful strategies for teaching math. I believe this grant is an enormous benefit and opportunity for our students.
KCM has been very supportive and helpful. They have provided beneficial and informative trainings. They also have always answered any and all questions I have had. They have given me the tools I need to provide beneficial intervention for my students.
What advice would you give to a colleague or other educator if they had never attended a KCM professional learning experience before?
I wish I had been given the opportunity to receive these trainings when I was teaching math in the classroom. I would have approached numerous mathematical topics differently. You won’t regret attending a KCM professional learning experience.
What activities, organizations, hobbies, etc. do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, crafts, gardening, and reading.
What was your favorite pizza topping?
BBQ Chicken
What was your favorite childhood television show?
Saved By the Bell
Got any good or favorite math jokes?