Kelly Brown
McKinney Elementary
Lincoln County
Teaching 20 years
Typically sees about 32 students per week
What made you decide to become an educator?
I didn't really want to be a teacher when I was little. I remember my older sister majoring in education and as a 7-year-old I thought, "Who’d want to go to school for a career?" But I got the bug when teaching ECE in an Arctic village in Alaska. I had a degree in Fashion Merchandizing and Interior design and went back for a teaching degree.
What excites you most about being an MAF Mathematics Intervention Teacher?
I get so excited when I see kids who had little to no confidence become skilled and infused with excitement over learning. Watching them realize they are capable is a thrill for me.
What differences have you seen in your students since they began receiving intervention assistance?
The main difference I've seen is improvement in behavior. The kids who started out with bad attitudes and behavior issues seem to have gained confidence in their skills and are much less angry and frustrated. They have learned that if they work hard they can be successful.
I get students with little to no self-esteem, especially in the 3rd grade. They come in wanting to please me, but are almost too scared to talk for fear of being wrong, or sometimes behave badly as a survival mechanism. My first goal is to loosen them up and establish a safe environment, and a growth mindset, rather than the fixed one they carry around.
What does the MAF and the Kentucky Center for Mathematics mean to you?
Research shows that math anxiety starts when children fall behind and can’t keep up. The MAF gives our schools a chance to help our students to avoid these anxieties by focusing on teaching our primary kids the foundational math skills needed. MIT's are able to work with small groups of students to give intense, research-based lessons to improve their math skills.
My KCM Regional Coordinator has been a real asset. Julie Adams patted my back when I needed it and reassured me that I was on the right track. I so appreciate having this resource available to me.
What advice would you give to a colleague or other educator if they had never attended a KCM professional learning experience before?
What activities, organizations, hobbies, etc. do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy singing and painting. I’ve painted several murals in the schools in the area as well as Ephraim McDowell Hospital. I also paint furniture and anything with a surface.
What is your favorite pizza topping?
Canadian bacon, tomatoes, onions, and olives.
What was your favorite childhood television show?
"I Dream of Jeannie" and "Bewitched" ☺
Got any good or favorite math jokes?
You have to be odd to be #1. ☺